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How Does This Procedure Work?

Fat Dissolve is a formulation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that assists in the breakdown and absorption of fat. This medication targets and eliminates fat cells when injected into stubborn fat pockets by disrupting the fat cell wall and causing destruction of the cell wall. After that the fat cell releases the fatty contents and the body metabolizes the fatty contents naturally. This procedure has been successfully used for over 10 years.

How Is The Treatment Administered?

Prior to the procedure the injection area will be cleaned and marked out. The treatment is done with multiple injections strategically injected into the fat pockets of the body. Small doses of the medication are administered with every injection. During the treatment you will feel a stinging sensation that lasts a few minutes. Treatment typically takes 30 minutes to an hour depending on what areas are being treated.

What Can I Expect Immediately After?

Immediately after your treatment, you will have some mild to moderate redness and swelling. You may experience some tenderness, bruising and numbness that may last 5-7 days or longer. In the following days areas treated will look enlarged, this is due to your inflammatory response and the breakdown of fat cells and this can last a couple of weeks. It is very common to feel hard and firm lumps in the treated areas as the fat cells die this is normal and will resolve on its own.

When To Schedule Appointments?

These treatments have minimal downtime and needs some planning. It is important to schedule these appointments 2-3 weeks prior to events, special occasions and vacations as there will be swelling and bruising that my lasts weeks, especially with your first treatment.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

A typical Fat Dissolve treatment program starts with 3-4 sessions, however this is dependent on the size of the fat pocket and the surface area. Many patients see significant results after 2-3 treatments and may not need another. Treatments are performed every 4-6 weeks but will be decided after an assessment after 4 weeks.

When Can I Notice Results?

Results will vary with individuals, however as the body naturally expels the dead fat cells, you may see results as early as 4 weeks and it will continue to work over time. You will see more significant results at 8 weeks and final result will be in 3-4 months. Results are permanent as long as the current weight is maintained and there is no significant weight gain.


As with all injection treatments, you may experience mild to moderate swelling, bruising and tenderness. There will be minimal downtime and discomfort. Avoid strenuous exercise or exposure to extreme heat (hot yoga, saunas etc.) for a minimum of 3-5 days as this may add to your discomfort.